Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last thoughts of 2014

"New Year, New Me"
This is what everyone seems to say, but people don't realize that you don't have to wait until a new year to change yourself. I never really understood why people made such a big deal out of the new year.
With that being said, what are my new year's resolutions for 2015? Here's some items I cam up with:

  1. Complete the Yelp 100 - 100 Yelp reviews within the next year. This is just something fun I wanted to try, especially since I have pretty strong opinions when it comes to food.
  2. Take more risks - I think this is just a personal life goal. Taking more risks is just a general statement, but there are a lot of things I want to do. Compliment that random stranger. Not be afraid to speak up for myself. Not worry so much about what others thing. Not be afraid to put myself out there. Introduce myself to the girl with the really cool outfit in class. The list goes on...
  3.  30 day squat challenge - I want that booty.
  4.  Be daring - Maybe I'll wear more color or maybe I'll wear buy that giant fur coat from the thrift shop (like Macklemore haha). I want to challenge myself with my style and not just wear what all the other fashion bloggers wear (unless it's something I really like). As fashion photographer Bill Cunningham once said (in regards to fashion) "A lot of people have taste, but they don't have the daring to be creative".
As you can tell this list is quite random and chaotic. I never really made new years resolutions before so let's see what happens.

2015, I'm ready for ya.

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